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The Halo Knites

Burnouts Most Wanted

Meet the drivers

Season 1

  • Episode 0
  • Episode 1
  • Episode 2
  • Episode 3
  • Episode 4
  • Episode 5
  • Episode 6
  • Episode 7
  • Episode 8
  • Episode 9
  • Episode 10
  • Episode 11
  • Episode 12 pt 1
  • Episode 12 pt 2
Season 2

Episode 2:

Welcome to G Force XX's High Performance Auto Shop in Central Route where at the moment is repairing Cosmicfool71's car. (The Following is dialogue spoken)

G Force:

What's up?


 Not much beating the snot out of a little kid again.

G Force:

 Yeah, damn burnout race officials, they'll just about let a roach race cars.


hey, They always survive a holocaust why not Road Rage.

G Force:

yeah................right. (G Force's Cell Phones rings, Killsum99 is on the other line)

 G Force:

 Just a sec dude.



G Force:

Whoa, wait.... say again.....Wait..... what...... What the F***! No......No.....No!! Screw that! I'm on My Way!!!

G Force:

 Hey cosmicfool71, We'll have to finish this later. Somthing happend with Stoned.


no S***! Let's roll.

(G Force and Cosmicfool71 jump into G Force's Prototype 205 and take a ride to Sunshine Keys.) They find Stone's wreakage on the side of the road in front of the landmark Bridge.

G Force:

Whoa! I knew Stoned can Crash but I don't think this good.


It wasn't intenstional.

G Force:

 Well what happened?


Some Racer in a limited 205 car that looks alot like a alien came up behind Stoned and shot out his back right tire.

G Force:

Wow, Did you find him after he landed?


 No, poor bastard. He didn't have a chance after he landed Five cars just nailed him in a wave fashion. Knocked him into the opposite side of the street. Oh my god, It was too horrible to watch. His car Exploded two times.


Damn dude, Who was this person that did this? I haven't the slightest idea but from the looks of her she seemed to be hardcore.

G Force:

Her, the person was a girl?


Yeah G Force: Wow, even the girls are that hardcore here?



 Just as Killsum finished her statement. G Force catches the sight of a Black Elite Racer Speeds up and swings around the back ends and lightly nuges the wrecked car as if to get attension. Than quicky Drives away. ((Organ Plays)
