Season 1
Episode 2: Welcome to G Force XX's High Performance Auto Shop in Central Route where at the moment is repairing Cosmicfool71's car. (The Following is dialogue spoken) G Force: What's up? Cosmicfool71: Not much beating the snot out of a little kid again. G Force: Yeah, damn burnout race officials, they'll just about let a roach race cars. Cosmicfool71: hey, They always survive a holocaust why not Road Rage. G Force: yeah................right. (G Force's Cell Phones rings, Killsum99 is on the other line) G Force: Just a sec dude. Cosmic: sure G Force: Whoa, wait.... say again.....Wait..... what...... What the F***! No......No.....No!! Screw that! I'm on My Way!!! G Force: Hey cosmicfool71, We'll have to finish this later. Somthing happend with Stoned. Cosmic: no S***! Let's roll. (G Force and Cosmicfool71 jump into G Force's Prototype 205 and take a ride to Sunshine Keys.) They find Stone's wreakage on the side of the road in front of the landmark Bridge. G Force: Whoa! I knew Stoned can Crash but I don't think this good. Killsum99: It wasn't intenstional. G Force: Well what happened? KillSum99: Some Racer in a limited 205 car that looks alot like a alien came up behind Stoned and shot out his back right tire. G Force: Wow, Did you find him after he landed? Killsum99: No, poor bastard. He didn't have a chance after he landed Five cars just nailed him in a wave fashion. Knocked him into the opposite side of the street. Oh my god, It was too horrible to watch. His car Exploded two times. Cosmic: Damn dude, Who was this person that did this? I haven't the slightest idea but from the looks of her she seemed to be hardcore. G Force: Her, the person was a girl? Killsum99: Yeah G Force: Wow, even the girls are that hardcore here? Killsum: Definately. Just as Killsum finished her statement. G Force catches the sight of a Black Elite Racer Speeds up and swings around the back ends and lightly nuges the wrecked car as if to get attension. Than quicky Drives away. ((Organ Plays)